Architectural profiles
Thermo-break opening system 55 mm - TBO55

The profiles are provided with 24 mm polyamide, on the frame and on the sash. The system consists of the following profiles: frame, sash, door sash opening outside, door sash opening inside, T-profile, adjoining profile, profile for 90o fixed angle, profiles for arbitrary angles, threshold and two additional door profiles. 0423 corner at the frame and 0365S at the sashes. We use an alignement corner with Fuji 2000 eccentric locking for the external side, Ac01(14x1) alignement corner for the internal side of the sashes, 5x1 - frames. 3819 glazing bead provided for 24 mm insulating glass unit, 3818 for insulating glass unit 28 mm, 3817 for 38 mm insulating glass unit, 38a6 for 42 mm insulating glass unit.



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