IBERIA DIES PHOENIX S.L., part of the Italian group PHOENIX INTERNATIONAL S.P.A. is one of the leading producers of aluminium extrusion dies in Europe.


Ever since the launch of its aluminium production VIAS Ltd. has been working closely with one of the leading manufacturers of aluminium extrusion dies – IBERIA DIES PHOENIX S.L., part of the Italian group PHOENIX INTERNATIONAL S.P.A. The company is one of the leaders in this field, because of the quality steels that they use and its team of professionals who are able to take on the challenge of implementing extremely complicated projects with optimal results. IBERIA DIES PHOENIX offers to its partners an excellent balance between price and quality. Thanks to their competent support the team of VIAS Ltd. manages to perform the production of complex profiles that are a real challenge for every producer as well as to guarantee the long life of its extrusion dies. 

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